Urgent action needed to address drought and famine in Africa – Statement by Caritas Africa

Right now, across the Sahel and the Horn of Africa regions, many millions of people are facing drought and famine conditions. Whilst the global media and political spotlight is focused on the crisis in Ukraine, attention to the suffering of people in sub-Saharan Africa has dropped away and support for life-saving aid efforts is woefully inadequate. An estimated 15-16 million people across Ethiopia, Kenya, and Somalia are in need of immediate food assistance because of the drought. As one woman in Northern Kenya told a Caritas diocesan staff person, as she was sat metres from her livestock that have died during the drought (pictured to the right): “So many people have lost their animals. Thousands of animals have died. There is no water for my family and me. Out of almost 300 goats, I have none, all died.”

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La COVID-19 et les phénomènes climatiques extrêmes violents ont un effet cumulatif sur les pays d’Afrique subsaharienne. Les crises économiques résultant du conflit russo-ukrainien ont aggravé ces problèmes, entraînant une…

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