Who are we?
Caritas Africa is formally linked to the Catholic Church as its social pastoral ministry in Africa. The Africa Region, as one of the 7 Regions of the Caritas Internationalis Confederation (162 members), was formally constituted on January 20, 1995, in Matola, Mozambique, following the approval of its first Statutes by the Member Organizations (national Caritas). It is a network of 46 National Caritas Organisations in 46 African Countries; including adjacent islands in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. Caritas Africa is headquartered in Lomé.

Goal of Caritas Africa
Assist the Church
To assist the Church in Africa in its socio-pastoral ministry of spreading the charity and justice by helping the poor and the most excluded/needy, by responding to to humanitarian emergencies and promoting integral human development according to the Sacred Scriptures and the teachings of the Catholic Church.
Supports its members
To support its members in their mission of charity and social justice and to facilitate the coordination and synergy of actions among Caritas members in Africa.
Promote Communion
To promote communion, collaboration and cooperation by carrying out tasks animation, coordination, representation, advocacy and development and capacity building.
African countries
Staff and volunteers
Members and organizations

Do you want to support a noble cause? Then join Caritas Africa in its commitment to justice and charity for the less fortunate. As the social ministry of the Catholic Church, Caritas Africa works through a network of 46 national Caritas organizations in 46 African countries. With its headquarters in Lomé, Togo, Caritas Africa is an integral part of the Caritas Internationalis Confederation, a global organization of 162 members dedicated to improving the lives of the most vulnerable. Contribute and donate now to Caritas Africa
Our Actions

To serve, accompany and defend the poor and the most excluded.

Strengthen the members of the National Caritas and others.

Respond effectively to humanitarian emergencies.

Engage Caritas members in transformational change at different levels.
The latest news

Caritas Africa
Regional Executive Secretariat
735, Boulevard des Armées, Lomé Tokoin Séminaire (Togo)
Tel. + 228 22 21 29 37 – Email : secaf@caritas-africa.org