To consolidate the commitment, effectiveness and efficiency of the network of social and charitable organizations serving human development in the Africa Region.
“Every Christian and every community is called to be an instrument of God for the liberation and promotion of the poor, so that they can be fully integrated into society (…) in order to resolve the structural causes of poverty (Evangelii Gaudium N°187,188).
In order to promote charity and justice for the integral development of the human being, the Church’s action must be based on strong and effective organizations. The consultation with Caritas member organizations reveals the importance and the challenge of continuing and expanding the process of strengthening them. Professionalism alone is not enough. It must be supported by the formation of the heart. In fact, the expectations of the structures of the Church must go out to meet the poor because they are human beings who need humanity.
Caritas Africa is therefore committed to consolidating the effectiveness of the Network in Africa to serve, defend and accompany the poorest with a heart that sees.
Reduce the impact of humanitarian crises on affected populations in the Africa Region.
“Across the continent, we have also been confronted with very serious problems related to pandemics, irregular migration, food insecurity, climate change, violence against children and women, poor governance, and corruption. All these natural and man-made disasters contribute senselessly to the spread of extreme poverty and, consequently, to the absence of peace on earth.” (Francisco Joao Silota, former president of Caritas Africa).
In the face of conflicts and natural disasters that amplify the misery and despair of millions of men and women, Caritas Africa remains committed to building their resilience in emergency situations.
Caritas Africa will combine both prevention and response to disasters, both natural and man-made, as well as resilience of affected communities in its work.
To strengthen the commitment of Caritas to the promotion of Integral Human Development.
Rooted in the Gospel and the Social Doctrine of the Church, Caritas makes the preferential option for the poor a fundamental principle in its work to bear witness to God’s love for people in precarious situations with whom Jesus Christ identified.
As Pope Francis reminds us in his Encyclical Laudato Si (231), “love for society and commitment to the common good are an excellent form of charity that not only concerns relations between individuals, but also ‘macro-relations’: social, economic and political relations.”
Caritas responds by fully engaging in advocacy for integral, sustainable and inclusive development.

Caritas Africa
Regional Executive Secretariat
735, Boulevard des Armées, Lomé Tokoin Séminaire (Togo)
Tel. + 228 22 21 29 37 – Email :