Address : CIO – Centre Interdiocésain des Œuvres, Brazzaville, République du Congo
Telephone : +242 05 366 67 15 Fax: +242 05 366 67 15
Email :
Caritas Congo is the expression of the charity of the Catholic Church in Congo to build a more just and fraternal society. It acts under the mandate of the Congo Bishops’ Conference, through the Episcopal Commission for Social Works.
Caritas Congo’s day-to-day work is rooted in its compassion for the poorest. This is expressed in a commitment to promote justice and human dignity, thus helping our society to always put man at the center.
The vision of Caritas is to promote a culture of justice, love, peace and well-being for all those in need. Like the Good Samaritan, his action is to act with compassion for those who suffer
The National Coordination oversees the following nine Diocesan Caritas: Brazzaville, Pointe-Noire, Nkayi, Kinkala, Owando, Ouesso, Gamboma, Dolisie and Imfondo. Through these dioceses, Caritas Congo is present in the most remote areas of Congo.
Its mandate consists, beyond the coordination, in the support and accompaniment of the diocesan Caritas and other charitable structures affiliated to Caritas Congo but also deals with the organization of emergency issues as well as the research and mobilization of partners and resources for the benefit of the Caritas Congo Network.
Its mission is to bear witness to the love of God (Acts 1:8) by working for the integral promotion of the human person with priority attention to the poor and marginalized, through emergency actions, assistance and self-care without any ethnic, religious, cultural or political particularism.
Areas of intervention
Caritas Congo provides advisory support and accompaniment to diocesan Caritas.
Caritas Congo initiates and carries out actions aimed at multisectoral development.
Caritas Congo is involved in projects that aim to assist all people in distress
Caritas Congo intervenes in the management of human and natural disasters
Caritas in conjunction with the Episcopal Commission for Catholic Education (CEEDUC), carry out actions in favor of education.
Caritas Congo supports health activities in favor of the poorest through its network of diocesan pharmaceutical depots, functional rehabilitation centers, community and urban health centers
The partners
The UN agencies (WFP, UNICEF, UNFPA, WHO, FAO, UNDP), the European Union, the embassies -to name a few- France, USA, Japan, the World Bank through programs with the Government, IPHD, Secours Catholique, CRS, Caritas Spain, Caritas Cuenca,
At the local level: the Government, the Departmental Councils, Triangle Génération Humanitaire.