Address: Lomé Hédzranawoé, Rue 41 HDN, Santa Emmanuela 63, Togo
Mailing address : 10B.P10346 – Lomé 10, Togo
Telephone : +228 22 260 295 / +228 22 261 238
Email :
Facebook : OCDI Caritas Togo Twitter : OCDI Caritas Togo YouTube : OCDI Caritas Togo

Created in 1967 under the name “Caritas Togolaise”, it coexisted with the Coordination Office for Development (BCD) in charge of development projects until 1987. During this period, Caritas was responsible for charitable works while BDC was responsible for community development issues. Since July 1987, the Bishops’ Conference of Togo merged the two structures to create the Organization of Charity for Integral Development (OCDI/Caritas Togo).

It works throughout the national territory through a network of seven (7) diocesan OCDIs and a national coordination. In January 2016, more than 223 parish branches were created, with the vision of expressing the Charity of Christ to men and women today.

The mission entrusted to the OCDI consists of: accompanying, supporting and raising the awareness of communities in the identification and analysis of their problems and capacities in order to seek ways and means likely to lead to the improvement of their living conditions.

According to the context that prevails in Togo, OCDI Caritas Togo defines its strategy in order to carry out actions related to its mission to restore human dignity, save lives and restore people’s property.

OCDI/Caritas Togo is involved in a country where 55.1% of the population lives in poverty and 28.7% in extreme poverty for a population estimated at 7552318 inhabitants in 2015 with 51% of women and a still accelerated growth rate of 2.69%.

To effectively contribute to poverty reduction, OCDI/Caritas Togo, through the mission entrusted to it by the Bishops’ Conference, has undertaken since 2011 a three-year strategic plan exercise in which the common objectives of the network are recorded. For the 2017-2019 triennium, OCDI/Caritas Togo is prioritizing the following areas: health, education, emergency assistance and relief, food security, self-advancement of the poor, and strengthening the financial autonomy of the network. All this is only possible with the support of its partners such as the Togolese State, CRS, Secours Catholique, Kindermissionwerk, DCV (German Caritas), Caritas Italiana, Misereor, Coopération Française de Développement (AFD), Caritas Internationalis, Caritas Africa, Missio, Manos Unidas, etc.

OCDI/Caritas Togo now intends to open up to partners outside the Caritas network to strengthen its capacity to respond to the growing needs of the population.