Address: CADEV – Niger National Executive Secretariat, BP: 11 580 or 10 270 8000 CTN, Niamey, Niger
Telephone : +227 20 740 040
Email :
Facebook : CADEV-Niger
Website :
Caritas Développement Niger (CADEV Niger) was founded by the bishops of Niger who wanted to restructure the charitable and development organizations (the former Caritas Niger, recognized in Niger since 1962, and the Bureau d’animation et de liaison pour le développement (BALD) founded in 1984). The objective of this restructuring was to improve the efficiency and harmonization of charitable and development organizations in order to empower their beneficiaries. The organization was officially founded in 2005, and recognized as an NGO by the government of Niger in August 2005. At the national and international levels, CADEV Niger is one of the leading humanitarian organizations in the country. It is recognized for its professionalism and the good sense of its activities.
According to the National Institute of Statistics, in 2012, Niger’s population was counted at 16,274,738, scattered across eight regions. The country’s high population growth rate (3.3%), and the fact that its population is concentrated mainly in rural areas with precarious geoclimatic conditions, partly justify and at the same time reflect the level of economic development and poverty in the country.
It is estimated that 2.5 million people are chronically food insecure in Niger. The country’s economy is essentially rural, based mainly on agriculture. It accounts for 40% of GDP and employs 90% of the working population, mainly in the form of subsistence farming and livestock breeding.
CADEV Niger has two diocesan offices in Niamey and Maradi that cover the entire country, and a national executive secretariat in Niamey that serves as a coordination space for actions between offices and partners. The starting point is the parish, through solidarity and development committees.
The mission of Caritas in the field is to develop the growing participation of members of the Christian community in charitable work and to strengthen the responsibility of pastoral workers.
CADEV strives to become a space for fostering Muslim-Christian dialogue through exchanges and coexistence that allows sharing and solidarity. The projects launched by CADEV Niger offer real tools for dialogue and facilitate exchanges.
As an instrument of the Catholic Church, it helps people in need regardless of their religion, ethnic group, or race.
The church has been present since 1931 and currently has two dioceses: the Archdiocese of Niamey, which includes the regions of Dosso, Tillabéry, and the urban community of Niamey; and the Diocese of Maradi, which includes the regions of Maradi, Zinder, Diffa, Agadez and Tahoua.
The Catholic Church has 25,000 faithful Catholics in Niger in 21 parishes. It is recognized as playing a key role in the resolution of political conflicts in Niger. It is also engaged in an Islamic-Christian dialogue as a basis for mutual understanding.