Promoting means of sustainable livelihoods of rural communities

mozambique 5
This poor family having an 11 years-old girl as head of household is one of the beneficiaries of the project.

Following the practical implementation of the 2014-2019 Strategic Plan, the General Secretariat of Caritas Mozambique, with the financial support of Caritas Spain and in partnership with the Maputo Archdiocesan Caritas and the Inhambane Diocesan Caritas, implemented the Food Security and Sustainable Livelihood for deprived families of rural communities. The project reaches more than 210 families and will last for one year. This project responds to the concerns of the fight against hunger and inequality in the global CI campaign to combat hunger. A determining factor is the high poverty index that characterizes many rural households in Mozambique. The above picture shows a poor family led by an 11 years old girl that will benefit from the project.

The poverty factor certifies the amount of production at the end of the season, the number of daily meals and the type of housing, mainly houses made of coconut straw and most of them having as heads of families: widows, elderly and orphaned children. They find it very difficult to restore their homes and purchase food in sufficient quantity and acceptable quality for family health. These are the challenges that the project is responding.

The tomato and onion production field in northern Inhambane Diocese is suffering from severe drought plaguing the south of Mozambique. The project encourages families to produce in the lowlands while waiting for the rain.

The project is to promote new methods of cultivation based on sustainable and ecological conservation with the aim of increasing agricultural productivity for the consumer and generate family income.

Beneficiary families are encouraged to follow the example of the demonstration field in Inhambane without the use of chemical fertilizers, using only organic fertilizers.


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