Call for a Consultant
Survey on Existing Initiatives by Caritas organisations to Mobilise Resources Locally in
within the Church in Africa & Development of a Guidance note for Domestic Resource mobilisation
Caritas Africa is inviting written technical and financial proposals from an individual consultant or
an academic institution to carry out the assignment outlined in the Terms of Reference below.
Application process
The written proposal should comprise:
- A technical proposal consisting of:
– an up-to-date curriculum vitae,
– a survey methodology and a workplan, (no more than 3 pages in total).
– Proposed structure of the Guidance note - Financial proposal indicating the amount to be charged for the assignment, which
should be quoted in Euros.
The proposal and any supporting documents, evidence of previous work must be in English or
Selection Criteria
Caritas Africa will place great emphasis on ensuring that the objectives of this assignment are met.
The selection criteria will be based on: technical capacities, understanding of resource mobilisation
and fundraising and; knowledge of the structure of Caritas and value for money.
The proposal should be submitted by e-mail no later than the close of business (17:00 UTC) on
July 10. E-mail proposals should not exceed 10 MB.
The email address is: and