Caritas Yei (South Sudan) Delivers Food Aid To IDPs In Yei

IDPs during the food distribution in Yei [Photo| Gilbert Modi]

By Modi Gilbert

YEI, 03 February 2016 [Gurtong] – Caritas Yei has distributed food aid to the internally displaced persons-IDPs camping in the former UNIMISS camp in Yei.

The food Items include 90 bags of maize and 25 bags of beans each weighing 25kgs.

Bala Francis, the Livelihood Program Assistant said that over 1000 individuals will receive the food ratio.

The food ratio is given as support to the IDPs who have not received aid from aid agencies.

“Last week we came here as caritas to assess the situation of these people and in our meeting of assessment, around 20 women were crying seriously. So we went back on the ground to buy something little so that we can give to these people” said Bala.

Caritas mobilizes the food from the local farmers within the County.



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