Emergency in the Horn of Africa and East Africa

Given the catastrophic situation resulting from the severe drought experienced by the Horn of Africa as well as East Africa and affecting more than 10 million people in Somalia, Ethiopia, Eritrea and Kenya, Caritas Africa is granting 25 000 euro to support the efforts made by the respective Caritas members in the above-mentioned countries, who are already doing their utmost to respond to the emergency situation and bring relief to the victims of the drought.
Caritas Africa is not only reacting to the present emergency but is also responding to the wish clearly expressed by the Synod Fathers in Proposition 17 of the final message delivered at the end of the IInd Special Assembly for Africa of the Synod of Bishops in November 2009 which states: “It is imperative to develop relations of solidarity between the dioceses and within the Episcopal conferences themselves. Thus, it is urgent to establish a solidarity fund between among the dioceses across the continent through the Caritas network.”
Caritas Africa has therefore created the Caritas Africa Solidarity Fund with an initial amount of euro 25 000, on behalf of the Caritas organisations of the Africa region. The first beneficiaries of the Solidarity Fund are the victims of the present drought in the Horn of Africa and East Africa. This amount is in anticipation of an eventual Caritas Internationalis emergency appeal and will be channelled through CI which will ensure the aid monitoring.
Caritas Africa therefore appeals to all Caritas members of the Africa region inviting them to organize fund raising campaigns at all levels so that everyone can contribute to the concretization of the Caritas Africa solidarity fund.
Caritas members are encouraged to take advantage of the wish expressed by the Synod Fathers and to link the fund raising activities with the emergency situations occurring in Africa in order to motivate one and all on the necessity to have such a Solidarity Fund. It is desirable to gradually build up the Solidarity Fund so that financial support may be provided in the shortest possible delay without having to wait for new donations.
20 July 2011


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